Thursday, August 30, 2012

5 W's and How

Earlier this week we learned about the five W's and How. They are who, what, where, when, why and how. Each one helps us determine information about our data. The what is the most important because it tells us what kind of data is being collect and the type of units. The what is then put into two different types of variables. There is a categorical variable which is characteristics and then there is quantitative which is numbers. But you got to be careful with the quantitative because some numbers sad categorical. A way to determine if the number is quantitative or categorical is if the number can be measured, if yes then it's quantitative. It the number is giving a characteristic to something, then it's categorical. The who is also important because it tells you who collected the data and from who did you collect the data. You can collect the data several ways. Some are; surveying people, this people are then called respondents, experimenting on people, they are then called subjects or participants and then you could experiment on other thing like animals, plants or objects, those are then called experimental units. The who helps you determine who was the data collected from. The 5 W's help you determine information about the data, who collected or from who, what was collected, where was the data collected, when was the data collected, why was that data collected and how was the data collected.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

AP Stats So Far

So far in AP Stats, we haven't done much so I don't have much to go on when it comes to my thoughts about AP Stats. I do like my teacher, Mr Mays and the complete nerd he is. I'm ready to get into the actual learning of stats. The assignment we are working on now is kinda simple and easy, which isn't always a bad thing. But I like a challenge and math is my best subject and I'm waiting for that challenge. It's still very early in the year so I understand why we haven't got into a lot of stats. So I'm just giving it time. I think I'll enjoy AP Stats.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I Survived

Over the last two days in AP Stats we did an activity of ranking items of most importance when surviving and then compare them to group and expert rankings.
Our group would've been alright surving. We had some items that were dead on with the expert such as the newspaper and the clothes. But we also had items that were way off, such as; the lighter, the expert had the lighter at a 1 where our group had it as an 11. All the other items were in the ball park. Our average differnece was 3.82.
Individually, I would do a little better than my group when having to survive. My average difference was only a 3.27 where our group was 3.82. Some how I beat the males average as well which was 3.28. Just like the group I had items that matched the expert and items that were complete on opposite sides. The lighter is what really tripped me up because what am I supposed to do with a lighter with out fluid. I'm not the expert I dont study survival skills. But based on my rankings I would survive alright. But me personally, there's no way I'd survive, I'd go crazy.