Sunday, September 23, 2012


My infographic as you can see is all about cheerleading? Now why did I choose cheerleading? Because cheer is my passion and I've been cheering since I was three years old, I wanted to prove some points about cheerleading. My first graph shows what age they started cheering, many started out very young, most were 3-5 years old. My second graph gets into if you think cheer is a sport. Now there are two different types of cheerleading, their is sideline cheer, which is what you have a schools and then there is competitive cheer which is were you go to an outside gym and you compete. Me personally, I don't see sideline cheer as a sport because you just stand there and say some cheers how ever with competitive, I get worked up when people say competitive cheer isn't a sport because we put in a lot of effort and work, and exert a lot of force in competitive cheer, I would like those who say competitive cheer isn't a sport to actually try competitive cheer and then see what they say. But in my graphs, you can see that just like me, many people think that sideline cheer isn't a sport but competitive cheer is. I wanted to show that there are guys who do cheer, there aren't very many who do competitive cheer, only 3% are guys but what really shocked me is that 50% of cheerleaders are guys on college cheer squads. My last graph is of injuries and to show how cheerleading is a dangerous sport, out of 1116 injuries (including every sport), 739 of those injuries were cheer injuries, that's 66%. So cheerleading is very dangerous, I know from experience as well because I've broken several toes and fingers as well as dislocate my elbow and knee all from cheer. My color scheme for this infographic are the colors of my cheer squad, blue and orange. Cheerleading is my life.

1 comment:

  1. I love the reasons why you chose this topic. I had no idea that you could break fingers and toes in cheering. Arms and legs I can understand, but I never thought about fingers and toes.

    I can tell that you are very passionate about competitive cheering. It's great to see that in your infographic.
